"Welcome to J. Woods Physiotherapy - I am passionate about giving you the freedom to move by releasing tension and restrictions in your body's tissues, so you can lead a more active and productive lifestyle."

Booking an Appointment

Covid19 changes - Online booking system is not currently being used.

I currently have a long wait list and estimate anywhere from 6 to 12 months before I would be able to see you in person. If you are interested in a telehealth session or would like to be added to the wait list please use the contact form to send me an email.


What to expect when coming for your in-person appointment:

  • Clients are asked to supply their own mask, to bring it with them and wear it when they arrive.  A mask will be available if you forget yours.
  • Covid 19 screening will be done online with your reminder email and again at the door
  • Temperature check will be done at the door
  • Wash your hands before entering the therapy room and again after the treatment
  • Joanne will be wearing PPE
  • IF YOU ARE SICK - do not come for your appointment.  There will be no cancellation fee due to illness.
  • IF you are sick and you show up for your treatment, you will not be treated and you will be charged the full price for the treatment.

Therapist Profile

Joanne Woods


I live by the motto – “a job worth doing is worth doing right”. This motto and my determination was the driving force behind a successful athletic career in white-water kayaking and participation in the 1992 Barcelona Olympics.   I have carried this same attitude to my career as a physiotherapist, always searching for better treatment methods to help my patients.  I graduated from UBC Physiotherapy in 1991 and worked at the Royal Columbian Hospital from 1992 - 2017.   I worked primarily in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with premature babies, but also worked with adults.  In 2015 I started my private practice business, and for a couple of years worked both at the hospital and my home business. Now I only work in my private practice.


Whether small or big, young or old, individuals suffering with chronic pain have often tried a variety of treatment methods without success, so I strove to find a different approach. I discovered Visceral Manipulation to be a gentle hands-on treatment with powerful results. This prompted me to take more courses in Neural Manipulation, Myofascial release, and CranioSacral Therapy.  As my skills improved, I have had an increasing number of requests for this type of treatment. Further, I continue to take more classes to enhance my skills, and am a teaching assistant for both Visceral Manipulation and Neural Manipulation


When I am not at work, I love to spend time with my family having adventures in the woods; hiking, cross country skiing, canoeing, kayaking, or running around the bush (also known as orienteering – another new passion).


Further, I continue to take more classes to enhance my skills, and am a teaching assistant for both Visceral Manipulation and Neural Manipulation

Mission Statement

By treating the body as a complete unit and listening to your body, I work to release the tension in the various tissues of your body to give you the freedom to move.


Services Offered

I use a hands-on treatment style, which is both gentle and powerful. The most important skill for doing this type of therapy is being able to “listen” to the tissue of the body. When you train your sense of touch (palpation) to feel the subtle tensions in the tissues, you can literally hear the body talk.  The body is one continuous system where tightness in one structure will influence the movement of another. I focus on releasing the connective tissue so the body can have the freedom to move and return to normal function.


I have the experience to treat newborns to the elderly and all ages in between; from those learning how to crawl, to athletes, to the sedentary. If you have had only partial success from other massage or physiotherapy treatments or if your therapist is trained in Diane Lee’s Integrated Systems Model and believes there is a visceral component to your issue, this may be the missing link.

For the treatment of the following conditions:

Lower Back Pain and Sciatica

Headaches & Migraines

Spinal Dysfunction

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Joint Pain

Digestive Disorders



Acid Reflux

Post-operative Scar Tissue Pain

Swallowing Dysfunctions

Women’s & Men’s Health Issues


Chronic Pelvic Pain


Pediatric Health Issues

Birth Injuries



Emotional Difficulties

And more


Visceral Manipulation and Neural Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation (VM) and Neural Manipulation (NM) are gentle manual treatments, which aid your body’s ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that cause pain and dysfunction.  "Viscera" refers to the internal organs of the body, such as the liver, kidneys and intestines. “Neural” refers to the nervous system of the body, which includes the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. VM and NM do not focus solely on the site of pain, but evaluate the entire body to find the source of the problem. The therapist feels for the altered or decreased motion within the viscera or restrictions in the nerves, and then applies VM or NM techniques. The treatment is a gentle compression, mobilization and elongation of the soft tissues. As the source of the problem is released, the symptoms will start to decrease. This re-establishes the body’s ability to adapt and restore itself to health. Recommended treatment is once every 3 weeks.  As each person’s situation is different, the number of visits will vary. Many people experience significant improvement within 3 to 5 therapy sessions: others may require additional treatment.

The Barral Institute is an international organization providing continuing education and certification based on the innovative manual therapies developed in clinical practice by world-renowned French Osteopath and Physical Therapist Jean-Pierre Barral


CranioSacral Therapy is another light touch therapy shown to be effective in supporting the central nervous system so that your body can self-correct and heal naturally. The CranioSacral system includes the soft tissues and fluid that protect your brain and spinal cord. As the control center of the body, the central nervous system influences every other major body system and function.  That's why tension here can cause a wide range of sensory, motor or neurological disabilities.  By supporting the central nervous system and releasing restrictions throughout the body, CranioSacral Therapy has shown to bring about profound healing.   Because it is so gentle, CranioSacral Therapy can be effective for all ages from newborns to elders.  CranioSacral treatments can be done more frequently than Visceral Manipulation.

Upledger Institute International (UI) is a healthcare resource center recognized worldwide for its comprehensive education programs, advanced treatment options and for its unique outreach initiatives.

Upledger Institute International, Inc. and The Barral Institute have both granted permission to use the descriptive copy for CranioSacral Therapy, the CranioSacral System and Visceral Manipulation and Nueral Manipulation contained in this website.

What to expect on your first visit.

I book only one person at a time, for personal hands-on treatment.


For your initial visit, please choose a 45 or 60 minute appointment to allow for a thorough assessment of your condition (about 30 minutes) plus time for treatment.  On subsequent visits, you can choose any appointment length.


Please wear loose fitting clothes to your appointments.


Every treatment starts with placing my hand on the top of your head.  This will be done, so I can ‘listen’ to the tissues in the body.


As I work in my home, please wait in your car until your appointment time.  I will leave 30 minutes between each patient, to allow one patient to leave before the next one arrives.



  • $60 for 30 minutes
  • $90 for 45 minutes
  • $120 for 60 minutes

Payment options

  • e-transfer is preferred method and instructions will be included in your reminder email.
  • cash or cheque


On the first visit please come with the intake form filled out,

You can download the form below and print it out or send it to me by email.



(downloads require Adobe Reader - download it for free from Adobe)



Intake Form


Intake Form Babies 0 - 3 months



No show and short cancellation policy

If you schedule an appointment, which you do not attend (miss your appointment), and this happens more than once, you will be charged fully for this visit. This will also apply to same day cancellations with short notice. Please provide at least 24 hours notice of cancellation.


IF YOU ARE SICK - do not come for your appointment.  There will be no cancellation fee due to illness.


IF you are sick and you show up for your treatment, you will not be treated and you will be charged the full price for the treatment.


J. Woods Physiotherapy 836 Runnymede Avenue, Coquitlam BC

Phone: 604-763-1857


For any questions, please use the contact form below or you can leave a voice message at 604-763-1857. As I do not take calls when treating patients at the hospital or at my clinic, I will respond when I am more able to do so.


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first visit
